About Angel

I am a work in progress, being molded by my Creator (Isaiah 64:8), so likewise this page is a work in progress.

My Mission

I want to add value to leaders who will multiply value to others. – John C. Maxwell

I had never thought about defining a mission for my own life until I read John C. Maxwell’s book, Leadership Gold. I quoted his mission (after years of refining) above as a reference and to lay out some groundwork for mine. This is my first try at it so I’ll date it and list the revisions below as the years go by:

April 22, 2012: To add value to men who desire to lead their business, families, and others in a manner that honors God.

Before you jump on the sexist train and cry out “What about women?”, this is simply not my mission. I have witnessed so many men that are weakened by the contemporary movements in women’s rights and feminism that my passion lies solely on strengthening men and sharing what I’ve learned about being the leaders that God designed us to be.

My Vision

I live every day longing to face my Creator and Savior and hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.  Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:21)

My Ministry Calling

When most people think about a ministry calling, they generally associate it with vocational ministry: a pastor or missionary; mine is similar but different. By vocation, I work in the Information Technology industry as the President & CEO of DataCorps Technology Solutions, Inc. This business is my ministry as I have been entrusted with employees to lead and care for, suppliers to appreciate and value, and clients to serve.

“I believe one of the next great moves of God is going to be through the believers in the workplace”. – Dr. Billy Graham.

Through DataCorps, I am able to touch lives that may otherwise never be touched by any church pastor or missionary. I am excited about my calling and look forward to serving the Lord faithfully each day in the workplace.

My Family

I live just outside of Tampa, FL with my beautiful wife, Tara, and our three children. We are blessed to have all of Tara’s and my siblings near us. With so much family around, there’s always someone to see, a birthday to celebrate, or a reason to get together. Our children get to spend quality time with their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, creating a strong foundation of family bonds. My family is the most important ministry work I will ever do!

We are very proud of our children and are working hard to ensure they are well-behaved, educated, God-fearing, and all-around excellent Americans!

Our family is rooted in a legacy of service, both to our country and to our community. My grandfather, Pedro Rojas, was a proud World War II veteran and a recipient of the Congressional Gold Medal. His service is a cornerstone of our family’s dedication to this nation, and his legacy continues to inspire us all.

His brother, my great-uncle Ramon Rojas, followed in the footsteps of service, dedicating 21 years to the U.S. Air Force. He served in Korea and Vietnam, and one of the greatest honors of his career was being the personal flight engineer for Vice President Hubert Humphrey on Air Force II. Tío Ramon was also privileged to fly on Air Force I under Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson.

My father, Angel Rojas, Sr., is a true hero in his own right. On December 31, 1986, a devastating fire broke out at the Dupont Plaza Hotel in Puerto Rico. As people fled to the roof to escape the flames, my father, aboard the Puerto Rico Police Department’s MD500E helicopter, rescued victims trapped on the roof. In an incredible turn of events, the last person he pulled to safety was his own brother, Pedro Rojas, my uncle. Pedro, an off-duty firefighter, had rushed to the hotel to help when he saw the smoke.

Our family’s rich history in the military, law enforcement, and aviation is a source of immense pride. It serves as a reminder of the importance of sacrifice, service, and courage. These values are not just part of our family’s past; they are principles that we continue to live by, teaching the next generation to honor God, serve others, and be the best they can be.

My Hobbies

My wife always jokes around that I’m very high maintenance because I always tend to pick hobbies that are expensive in terms of time and financial resources. For example, my top three hobbies are aviation, remote control aviation, and car racing. None of those involve being a spectator. While I don’t often get to participate in aviation, I do have the opportunity to build and fly my own model helicopters. In 2018, I began flying my helicopters competitively in precision aerobatics (known in the hobby as F3C). Auto racing, mainly autocross and drag, are still fascinating to me but due to changing responsibilities I have not been able to participate in years. I am also a percussionist and have had the privilege to record some albums with a friend’s band and my church choir.

I’m also looking to get into gardening and am currently seeking a small and easy way to get into it since I only think big. We’ll see how that goes since I consider myself an indoor human.

This Blog

What I hope to accomplish with this blog is simply to give me an outlet and a forum to speak my thoughts about life, hobbies, family life, and my relationship with Christ. If no one reads this blog ever, I won’t be disappointed since I am not doing it for anyone else but me and God. I often hear from God as I read scripture, drive, or even clean around the house. This blog is an act of worship to Him by sharing the wisdom He gives me as well as discuss things going on within my life.

I hope that if you choose to follow me along in this journey, that my words will encourage, inspire, and motivate you to seek or deepen your relationship with Christ, or maybe even try a new hobby!