"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

What, why, and how?
Strategy: “Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.”
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Operations Update/Big Picture Plan
USA Federal Election Timeline
Dec. 8 — Last day for states to resolve election disputes
States must certify election outcomes at least six days before the Electoral College meets — known as the “safe harbor” deadline — if they want to avoid Congress getting involved in resolving potential disputes. That means any court challenges to state election results must be settled by Dec. 8, 2020.
If states certify election outcomes by this deadline, Congress must accept the results as valid.
Dec. 14 — Electors cast their ballots
Electors meet in their respective states to cast their ballots for president and vice president on the second Monday after the second Wednesday in December.In every state except Nebraska and Maine, electors vote on a “winner takes all” basis, meaning whichever candidate wins the state’s presidential race receives all of the state’s electoral votes.Electors send certificates of their vote to various officials, including Vice President Mike Pence, serving as president of the Senate.
Dec. 23 — President of the Senate receives electoral vote certificates
Pence must receive the formal electoral vote certificates no later than nine days after electors meet.
Jan. 6 — Congress counts electoral votes
The House and Senate convene for a joint session on Jan. 6 to count electoral votes. Pence presides over the process as president of the Senate and announces the results. The candidate that receives at least 270 out of 538 electoral votes becomes the next president.Any objections to the electoral votes must be submitted in writing and signed by at least one House and one Senate member. If an objection arises, the two chambers consider the objection separately.
Jan. 20 — Inauguration Day
The president-elect and vice president-elect are sworn into office and officially become the president and vice president of the United States on Inauguration Day.
Otto Voss, Johanna Hoffman & Erich Glaser were found guilty & sentenced to prison, based on Rumrich’s help and statements by the spies themselves. However, mistakes in the probe allowed many other spies in the ring to escape, prompting reforms in US counterintelligence ops. pic.twitter.com/xOmX8uuJge
— NCSC (@NCSCgov) December 2, 2020
Afghan govt & Taliban reach preliminary deal paving way for peace talks
Beijing Offers Dialogue With NATO After Alliance Identifies China as Threat
DOMINOES: Georgia Announces Election Fraud Hearings After Pennsylvania, Arizona, And Michigan Bombshells
Two Georgia State Senate committees will hold hearings into claims of voting and tabulation irregularities from whistleblowers across the state
Georgia’s Senate Government Oversight Committee and the Senate Committee on Judiciary issued statements saying they will hold back-to-back hearings on elections processes on December 3, 2020. The statement said the hearings would be livestreamed at 10am and 1pm, respectively.
Janet Reed of Indiana arrested for delivering 400 ballots w/Democratic candidate pre-marked
Nevada lawsuit: We are presenting to the court over 40,000 people who voted twice in the election
.@jbinnall on Nevada lawsuit: We are presenting to the court over 40,000 people who voted twice in the election pic.twitter.com/Pvw4cIzWQN
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) December 2, 2020
Michigan IT whistleblower said for the entire 27 hours she was there, she never saw one, NOT ONE vote counted for Trump, only Biden
And the Board of Elections is in on it with at 90%+ poll workers were in on it! Watch the video, more videos at the link below
Nothing to report at this time....
Nothing to report at this time....
Judicial Watch: Records Show Obama DHS Scanned Georgia Election Site in 2016
December 02, 2020 | Judicial Watch
(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it received 243 pages of records from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that show the Obama administration’s scanning the election systems of Georgia, Alaska, Oregon, Kentucky and West Virginia in 2016. This activity prompted a letter from then-Georgia Secretary of State (now Governor) Brian Kemp to then-DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson accusing DHS of, “an unsuccessful attempt to penetrate the Georgia Secretary of State’s firewall.”
The records were produced in response to Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, which asked for all records related to reported cyberattacks against the Georgia secretary of state’s information network involving DHS, including investigative reports, memoranda, correspondence and communications between October 1, 2016, and February 14, 2017.
The minutes of a DHS “Enterprise Security Operations Center” (ESOC) meeting indicate that on November 15, 2016, at 8:43 a.m. a “scanning event” occurred. The “‘scanning’ event was the result of a FLETC [Federal Law Enforcement Training Center] user’s Microsoft Office Discovery Protocol sending a packet with the OPTIONS flag to the Secretary of State of Georgia site. The minutes notes that the Enterprise Security Operations Center “has received requests from NCCIC [DHS’s The National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center] and MS-ISAC [Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center] to investigate other states that have seen ‘suspicious’ activity.” The minutes note that Kemp accused DHS of conducting illicit scans on at least February 2, February 28 and May 23, 2016, as well. DHS notes in the minutes that they were working with Microsoft to determine what happened: “Microsoft and the ESOC with the assistance of FLETC, were able to confirm that the user non-maliciously copied and pasted elements of the website to an excel document, which triggered the HTTP ‘OPTIONS’ request.” A “Microsoft E-Mail Statement (Unofficial Statement to ESOC)” was included with the minutes. The email stated, “After looking at the data I do not see requests that look malicious in nature or appear to be attempting to exploit a vulnerability.” A chart of “Current Open Vulnerabilities” for the period November 30, 2016, through December 12, 2016, noted that DHS had identified a total of 1,227 cyber vulnerabilities within DHS components, including five “High” severity ones at FEMA.
Nothing to report at this time....