10 Nov 2020 AM Patriot Update
What, why and how?
D. I. M. E. F. L. Boom
The minority elite blackhats in USA and globally establish DIMEFIL rules and play multi level chess. While, at the same time they give the USA and other Nation state’s citizens checker rules and boards.
USA Patriots know the time (chronos) for blackhat Games to End through information disclosure / truth
Time for each USA citizen to consider what each of us can / should do for such a time as this with the gifts, talents, blessing and responsibilities our physical USA boundaries, our Constitutional Republic and Constitution provide us.
Overall basic dialog of DIME
Used most often by those in National and or global politics, economics, diplomacy and military. Dynamic Complex National and Global strategy that the 2% of the key leaders know well and wield. The other 98% of global population are either oblivious to this or have no means or position to influence
DIME refined since 2005 to DIMEFIL by adding other elements of power / control ( Financial, Intelligence and Law enforcement) that reflect additional mechanisms of power / control. These are especially important when considering things like colored revolutions, national influence campaigns.ie. Propaganda and global economic operations that use the USA FED Reserve and international interconnected central banking systems.
Strategy: “Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Operations Update / Big Picture Plan
They didn’t let Trump win. He’s always been in control of this.
He knows about Hammer and Scorecard and how the Democrat Machine operates. He knew it would happen. He stopped them mid fraud and reversed the Hammer and Scorecard tool.
Remember, he’s always had their ‘Playbook’
This meant that Trump won and they couldn’t scream he’d cheated because they’d have to admit to the use of Hammer and Scorecard.
So they attempted to bring him down for 4 years. He knew that, Flynn telling Susan Rice China was a bigger threat than Russia and they were a declining power. Susan knew that, that’s why they went after him.
So Russiagate happens, Mueller happens, Ukraine happens, Impeachment happens, Coronavirus happens and the 2020 election happens.
This is why he allowed them to get away with the 2018 Midterms and take the House. Hammer and Scorecard were used again. He knew they’d go after him. “I gladly take these slings and arrows for you.”
So come to the 2020 Election he allowed them to take it this time. In order to prove all of this, he had to lose.
In order for Trump to win, he must first lose. Dark to Light. Sun Tzu: Appear weak when you are strong. You must lose small battles in order to win the war.
The Democrats projecting their crimes on to Trump knowing he wasn’t guilty of them was to convince the American public and the world to look in the wrong direction. Everything said 3 years ago beginning 27/28 Oct 2017.
There has never been a time were President Trump has never not been in control of this plan. Sit back, grab the popcorn and enjoy the show. It’s going to be BIBLICAL.
Patriots know The Last US Patriot POTUS “Peace is the Goal”. “Peace through Strength”. “Trust, but verify”
.@brhodes: Biden is already “having phone calls” with foreign leaders about “the agenda they’re going to pursue January 20th” pic.twitter.com/ynHspaEDxE
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 9, 2020
This D party is so desperate to paint a narrative that Joe Biden won the election that he just admitted Joe Biden is doing EXACTLY what General Flynn was prosecuted for.
Biden – 259 vs Trump 214
Gen. Tim Ray is the commander of @AFGlobalStrike, and is responsible for two-thirds of the country’s #NuclearTriad.
Learn how they maintain our Nation’s competitive edge on the global stage.
FULL STORY: https://go.usa.gov/xdfv3
Gen. Tim Ray is the commander of @AFGlobalStrike , and is responsible for two-thirds of the country’s #NuclearTriad.
Learn how they maintain our Nation’s competitive edge on the global stage.
FULL STORY: https://t.co/optTDLG4cc pic.twitter.com/OtKYSBAnmZ
— US Strategic Command (@US_Stratcom) November 9, 2020
- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/breaking-exclusive-system-glitch-also-uncovered-wisconsin-reversal-19032-votes-removes-lead-joe-biden/
- https://www.dailywire.com/news/report-in-353-u-s-counties-1-8-million-more-voters-registered-than-eligible-citizens
Report: In 353 U.S. Counties, 1.8 Million More Voters Registered Than Eligible Citizens
CNN still has PA for Biden, but they’ve also removed AZ
Oregon’s elections director was abruptly fired in a text message by the secretary of state after he pointed out serious issues with the state’s aging and vulnerable technology for running elections.
SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Oregon’s elections director was abruptly fired in a text message by the secretary of state after he pointed out serious issues with the state’s aging and vulnerable technology for running elections.
— Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) November 9, 2020
Law Enforcement:
BREAKING – Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors across the U.S. to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified (AP News)
– Attorney General William Barr authorizes DOJ to probe ‘substantial allegations’ of voting irregularities despite little evidence of fraud
Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors across the U.S. to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified, despite little evidence of fraud.
Barr’s action comes days after Democrat Joe Biden defeated President Donald Trump and raises the prospect that Trump will use the Justice Department to try to challenge the outcome. It gives prosecutors the ability to go around longstanding Justice Department policy that normally would prohibit such overt actions before the election is formally certified.
Trump has not conceded the election and is instead claiming without evidence that there has been a widespread, multi-state conspiracy by Democrats to skew the vote tally in Biden’s favor.
Biden holds a sizable lead in multiple battleground states and there has been no indication of enough improperly counted or illegally cast votes that would shift the outcome. In fact, election officials from both political parties have publicly stated the election went well, though there have been minor issues that are typical in elections, including voting machines breaking and ballots that were miscast and lost.
In a memo to U.S. attorneys, obtained by The Associated Press, Barr wrote that investigations “may be conducted if there are clear and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State.”
States have until Dec. 8 to resolve election disputes, including recounts and court contests over the results. Members of the Electoral College meet Dec. 14 to finalize the outcome.
SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Oregon’s elections director was abruptly fired in a text message by the secretary of state after he pointed out serious issues with the state’s aging and vulnerable technology for running elections.
— Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) November 9, 2020
- @RealDonaldTrump “verified” campaign lawsuit alleges “682,479 mail-in and absentee ballots” received and processed without review by parties or candidates in Pennsylvania
DOJ’s Election Crimes Chief Resigns After Barr Directs Prosecutors to Probe Voter Fraud Claims
The head of the branch of the Justice Department that prosecutes election crimes resigned Monday hours after Attorney General William Barr issued a memo to federal prosecutors to investigate “specific allegations” of voter fraud before the results of the presidential race are certified.
Richard Pilger, who was director of the Election Crimes Branch of the DOJ, sent a memo to colleagues that suggested his resignation was linked to Barr’s memo, which was issued as the president’s legal team mount baseless legal challenges to the election results, alleging widespread voter fraud cost him the race.
“Having familiarized myself with the new policy and its ramifications, and in accord with the best tradition of the John C. Keeney Award for Exceptional Integrity and Professionalism (my most cherished Departmental recognition), I must regretfully resign from my role as Director of the Election Crimes Branch,” Pilger’s letter said, according to a copy obtained by NBC News.
“I have enjoyed very much working with you for over a decade to aggressively and diligently enforce federal criminal election law, policy, and practice without partisan fear or favor. I thank you for your support in that effort.”
NBC News and several other major media outlets projected Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential election on Saturday after several states spent days counting ballots following a record turnout, including mail-in and absentee voting. Trump has refused to concede to President-elect Biden and one of his appointees in the General Services Administration has yet to sign paperwork to begin the presidential transition.
Barr was not asked or directed by the president, any lawmaker, or anyone in the White House to issue this memo to federal prosecutors, according to a Department of Justice senior official. Barr, however, met with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., earlier Monday. McConnell defended the president earlier Monday on the Senate floor, arguing he has a right to pursue recounts and lawsuits in court.
Barr did not respond to questions when he left McConnell’s office and a DOJ spokesperson has declined to comment on what the two men discussed.
A DOJ official told NBC News that the memo from Barr does not allege that there are substantial irregularities in the election. It authorizes local U.S. attorneys to investigate if they learn “clear and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State.”
It added, “While serious allegations should be handled with great care, specious, speculative, fanciful or far-fetched claims should not be a basis for initiating federal inquiries. Nothing here should be taken as an indication that the Department has concluded that voting irregularities have impacted the outcome of any election.”
Jonathan Turley: ‘No Reason Not To’ Investigate Claims of Voter Fraud
Constitutional law professor and impeachment inquiry witness Jonathan Turley said that there is ample reason to investigate allegations of voter fraud foisted by President Donald Trump’s legal team and campaign. “You know, it was an odd thing to have so many people coming out and saying, ‘look, there is no case to be made here,’” Turley said on Fox News. “We’re still in the tabulation stage. You know, the information that would reflect a systemic problem or large numbers of balloting errors would come at the next stage, at the canvassing stage. Most of this information is held by election officials. And it often takes a court order to get that information to the opposing party.” Turley noted that Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s odds of winning the presidency are “dramatically higher” than Trump’s. A number of media outlets declared Biden the winner over the last weekend. The Epoch Times will not declare a winner of the 2020 presidential election until all results are certified and any legal challenges are resolved.
Turley, who is a professor at George Washington University Law School with decades of experience, said that there have been electoral issues in previous presidential elections. “In 1960,” he said, “the outcome of that election is still believed to have been fraudulent. You know, in Illinois, in Texas, there were a lot of fraudulent votes that put Kennedy over the top against Richard Nixon.” “In 2000, people still believe we didn’t take enough time in Florida and that Al Gore may have won Florida and won the presidency,” Turley continued. “So, there is no reason not to look at the allegations, to give 71 million people who voted for Trump that sense of assurance that nothing untoward occurred and that their votes really did count. Now, can they really overcome these margins? Probably not, but we don’t know what we’re talking about here.”
State electors and later the Electoral College are the official bodies that certify elections. Inauguration Day is Jan. 20, 2021. Biden declared victory on Saturday, saying, “I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide but to unify, who doesn’t see red states or blue states but the United States.” His campaign also appears to be in the process of creating a transition team before Jan. 20. Trump’s legal team has said that the president will be declared the winner of the election, saying that they are prepared to take their fight to the Supreme Court. Turley, meanwhile, rose to prominence among conservative circles late last year during the House impeachment inquiry, testifying under oath that he was not in favor of Trump’s impeachment.
HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Michigan AG Dana Nessel Sends Cease and Desist Order to Journalist Demanding He Erase His #DetroitLeaks Video Showing Voter Fraud Training — OR FACE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION
Published November 9, 2020 at 7:32pm
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel sent a ‘cease and desist’ letter to Big League Politics about their exclusive content #DetroitLeaks that outlined poll worker training wherein workers were bragging about committing voter fraud in a variety of different ways.
The intrepid reporter who broke this story, Shane Trejo, was also one who was a witness for the voter fraud in Detroit. Trejo says he considers this “witness intimidation” and is fearful that it will be used as pretext for some criminal actions.
In the shocking letter dated Oct. 28, the Michigan Attorney General cites to two or three factual errors in the bulk of Trejo’s reporting and demands on behalf of the Michigan government to take every single article related to #DetroitLeaks off the internet.
Shane received the letter today. It was marked October 28.
TRENDING: HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Michigan AG Dana Nessel Sends Cease and Desist Order to Journalist Demanding He Erase His #DetroitLeaks Video Showing Voter Fraud Training – OR FACE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION
The #DetroitLeaks reporting shows Detroit poll workers who were trained in how to lie, trained on how to handle ballot challenges from Trump supporters, told to call 911 on any challengers and to use COVID as an excuse to deny poll challengers access to view the ballots as they were being counted and tabulated.
The series of leaks also revealed that even challenged ballots would be processed as regular ballots. Incoming State Representative Steve Carra and Michigan activist Bob Cushman filed a successful lawsuit against Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson over the explosive allegations that poll workers were being trained in how to commit voter fraud.
This information was previously banned from YouTube, Twitter, and other social media platforms.
Are Democrats trying to steal the election?
#DetroitLeaks the vote fraud scheme to steal Michigan !!!!!!@realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @seanmdav @DC_Draino pic.twitter.com/t8vYlt6ADB
— Stazzianna (@stazzianna) November 4, 2020
Multiple independent witnesses have approached the Gateway Pundit and confirmed that the predictions from #DetroitLeaks were accurate, and that the counting of ballots for Wayne County/Detroit at the TCF Center (aka Cobo Hall), was by poll workers who refused challenges from poll challengers, used COVID as an excuse to deny access to review the process, tabulated challenged illegal ballots, and fulfilled this voter fraud prophecy.
With the electoral votes critical to the re-election of Donald Trump, this information will be critical to demonstrate the state of mind and intent of the poll workers who delivered a very suspicious Michigan victory to Joe Biden.
The timing of this letter coincides with another round of social media purges in Michigan of Facebook groups that might document and prove the allegations of voter fraud.
Gen. Tim Ray is the commander of @AFGlobalStrike, and is responsible for two-thirds of the country’s #NuclearTriad.
Learn how they maintain our Nation’s competitive edge on the global stage.
FULL STORY: https://go.usa.gov/xdfv3
Gen. Tim Ray is the commander of @AFGlobalStrike , and is responsible for two-thirds of the country’s #NuclearTriad.
Learn how they maintain our Nation’s competitive edge on the global stage.
FULL STORY: https://t.co/optTDLG4cc pic.twitter.com/OtKYSBAnmZ
— US Strategic Command (@US_Stratcom) November 9, 2020
The Fight for The Soul of Our Republic Has Begun
If Joe Biden had run a real campaign and generated genuine enthusiasm, Trump voters would be unhappy with his victory but would acknowledge he had won. But Biden did not win. This election was stolen. And the fury and bitterness among Trump’s base is real and pervasive. So far, Trump supporters are keeping their powder dry–literally and figuratively. They are going to give the institutions, particularly the Justice Department, the opportunity to set things right in accordance with the law. But there is a limit to their patience. I know that Donald Trump understands this point, it remains to be seen if Attorney General Bill Barr grasps the situation. From what I know of Bill Barr, especially from friends who are close with Barr, he understands the danger and the implications perhaps even better than President Trump.
The latest coup attempt is a mixture of audacity and sloppiness. On the audacious side we see a coordinated effort in key battleground states to stop counting votes when it was clear that Trump was in the lead and headed to a second term. The reason to stop counting was to bring in the thousands of votes that would make it appear that Trump lost. But for those of us in Florida, we saw the Democrat plans thwarted and the true depth of Trump’s victory.
Here is where we see the sloppiness of the Democrat plot against Trump–the Dems foolishly forgot to cook the books on the House and the Senate. Trump’s coat tails brought significant gains in the House of Representatives and prevented a wipeout in the Senate. It is historically and statistically improbable that Republicans win back seats in House and hold the Senate while Trump allegedly loses. Trump did not lose. He garnered the most votes ever for a Republican but could not control the Democrat Governors who opted to stuff ballot boxes with bogus ballots. There is a legal, lawful remedy to this.
I got my start at the CIA as the Honduran analyst during the height of the war in Central America. Part of my duties required me to keep tabs on political chicanery that was rampant among Honduran political, business and military leaders. I am now stunned to witness that this Republic–thanks to the craven and corrupt actions of politicians, business leaders and the media–behave like a banana republic. The days of America lecturing other countries on how to conduct free, fair elections is over.
So, what are we to do?
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