What, why, and how?
Strategy: “Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Operations Update/Big Picture Plan
USA Federal Election Timeline
Dec. 8 — Last day for states to resolve election disputes
States must certify election outcomes at least six days before the Electoral College meets — known as the “safe harbor” deadline — if they want to avoid Congress getting involved in resolving potential disputes. That means any court challenges to state election results must be settled by Dec. 8, 2020.
If states certify election outcomes by this deadline, Congress must accept the results as valid.
Dec. 14 — Electors cast their ballots
Electors meet in their respective states to cast their ballots for president and vice president on the second Monday after the second Wednesday in December.In every state except Nebraska and Maine, electors vote on a “winner takes all” basis, meaning whichever candidate wins the state’s presidential race receives all of the state’s electoral votes.Electors send certificates of their vote to various officials, including Vice President Mike Pence, serving as president of the Senate.
Dec. 23 — President of the Senate receives electoral vote certificates
Pence must receive the formal electoral vote certificates no later than nine days after electors meet.
Jan. 6 — Congress counts electoral votes
The House and Senate convene for a joint session on Jan. 6 to count electoral votes. Pence presides over the process as president of the Senate and announces the results. The candidate that receives at least 270 out of 538 electoral votes becomes the next president.Any objections to the electoral votes must be submitted in writing and signed by at least one House and one Senate member. If an objection arises, the two chambers consider the objection separately.
Jan. 20 — Inauguration Day
The president-elect and vice president-elect are sworn into office and officially become the president and vice president of the United States on Inauguration Day.
Smedley Butler: The plot to overthrow the POTUS
Nothing to report at this time....
In dramatic reversal, Wayne County election board Republicans rescind votes certifying results
In an extraordinary turnabout that foreshadows possible legal action, the two GOP members of Wayne County's election board signed affidavits Wednesday night alleging they were bullied and misled into approving election results in Michigan's largest metropolis and do not believe the votes should be certified until serious irregularities in Detroit votes are resolved.
The statements by Wayne County Board of Canvassers Chairwoman Monica Palmer and fellow GOP member William C. Hartmann rescinding their votes from a day earlier threw into question anew whether Michigan's presidential vote currently favoring Democrat Joe Biden will be certified. They also signaled a possible legal confrontation ahead.
Swiss and Aussies find a critical flaw in Scytl software that the US ignores
Danish mask study: Results show they do not help ....
Chairman of Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, Ottowa
"There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. This is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public."
GA Secretary of State Raffensperger: Biden Will Win Georgia; Trump Hurt Chances Telling People Not to Vote Absentee
Wednesday on CNN’s “The Lead,” Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger dismissed allegations of voter fraud in Georgia in the presidential election earlier this month.
He acknowledged the possibility of clerical errors but said he did not anticipate a change in the outcome.
“We have not seen any widespread voter fraud,” he said.“The president has picked up some votes in a few of the counties that made some clerical errors. It wasn’t the machines. But at the end of the day, he started with 14,000. He’s about 12,000 now. But we’re finishing up, waiting for a few more counties to get back to us, large counties, but I don’t believe at the end of the day it will change the total results.”
He told CNN’s Jake Tapper he sees the outcome will be still in Joe Biden’s favor for his state of Georgia when asked.
“Yes, I believe that’s the way it will turn out,” Raffensperger answered.
Raffensperger declined to address Sen. Kelly Loeffler’s (R-GA) repeated calls for his resignation. He also suggested President Donald Trump hurt his chances by discouraging absentee voting.
“I’ve been a lifelong Republican,” he said. “I’m a conservative Christian Republican. And you look at my voting record. I have been endorsed by pro-life business, pro-business groups, National Federation of Independent Businesses. I’m a business owner. And so, people say that I’m not Republican — it’s crazy talk. At the end of the day, when people want to create dissension among the Republican Party in the runoff race, it’s not helpful to the person, the candidate. So I’m not going to comment further. But I know at the end of the day, election matters, and it matters in this office. I’m going to make sure to count every legal, lawful vote, and we’re not going to count any illegal votes.”
“Everything I have done in this office, we outlaw ballot harvesting,” Raffensperger added. “We understand it’s a bad deal to do ballot harvesting. We outlawed it. That was me. That was my team. We now have an online absentee ballot portal which has photo ID. And that was our team that stood that up in less than two weeks when we had this huge expansion of absentee ballots. So, my record will stand on itself. We’ve done a great job. We’ve defeated the issue of having long lines in Georgia. On Election Day, there was a two-minute average wait time. The race is a lot closer than we thought, but that goes back to the candidate for president who told people not to vote absentee. So, 24,000 Republicans that actually voted absentee in the June primary did not come out in the fall and vote. They did not vote absentee nor in early voting or the day of the election, 24,000, and that’s the winning margin to make there.”
Gov. Andrew Cuomo Lashes Out, Mocks Reporter over NYC School Closure Question
Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) grew visibly irritated after reporters asked if schools would remain open in New York City, raising his voice and mocking reporters while failing to offer a definitive answer to the question.
During Wednesday’s press briefing, Cuomo accused the Wall Street Journal’s Jimmy Vielkind of using an “obnoxious” and “offensive” tone after he asked the governor to clarify whether schools in New York City would remain open on Thursday.
“The other day you said this is the city’s decision. They have an agreement at three percent. Today you said, ‘Well I might have to impose an orange zone, and I might have to close the schools, which an orange zone does.’ So what’s going on,” Vielkind asked, requesting Cuomo specify whether the city has the ability to close its schools.
“Are you now taking control and saying that you have the power to make this decision? And for the millions of parents who want to know, are the schools going to open tomorrow in New York City?” he asked.
Cuomo immediately expressed irritation with the question.
“First of all, let’s try not to be obnoxious and offensive in your tone … because you’re 100 percent wrong,” he began.
“These laws have all been in effect for months. I’ve always said, we set initial parameters and then the school district picked a percent within those parameters. New York City picked three percent,” he continued, explaining that the “orange zone law” has been in place for over a month.
“It always said if, by the state’s numbers you hit three percent, the schools close. What’s going on here is nothing that the law hasn’t said for over a month,” he said.
“If you were paying attention, you would have known we closed the schools in New York City two weeks ago. Remember when we did an orange zone and a red zone in Brooklyn and Queens and we closed the schools? Don’t you remember that?” he said in a sarcastic tone before raising his voice.
“So what are you talking about? What are you talking about? ‘Are you going to override.’ We did it already!” Cuomo yelled. “That’s the law — an orange zone and a red zone. Follow the facts.”
When pressed to clarify on school closures, Cuomo grew more irritated.
They’re [parents] not confused. You’re confused,” Cuomo snapped, adding, “Read the law and you won’t be confused.”
When asked again, Cuomo continued to dodge the question, stating that “schools are open by state law.”
New York Times reporter Jesse McKinley defended Vielkind’s question, prompting another angry quip from the governor.
“But will they [New York City schools] be open tomorrow? That’s the question. I think Jimmy’s correct in asking that question. I don’t think it’s obnoxious at all,” McKinley said.
“I don’t really care what you think,” Cuomo snapped. “Of course you agree with him because you’re in the same business with him.”
On Wednesday, Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) announced that New York City schools will be closed beginning Thursday.
Dick Morris to Newsmax TV: 'Georgia May Well Be Overturned'
Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public”
Noting that he was also an expert in virology, Hodkinson pointed out that his role as CEO of a biotech company that manufactures COVID tests means, “I might know a little bit about all this.”
“There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians, it’s outrageous, this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public,” said Hodkinson.
The doctor said that nothing could be done to stop the spread of the virus besides protecting older more vulnerable people and that the whole situation represented “politics playing medicine, and that’s a very dangerous game.”
Chairman of Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, Ottowa
PA election results
Still stuck at 9,055 precincts.
GOP Lawmakers call for Immediate Congressional Investigation of Corrupted 2020 Election
Republican lawmakers Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Rep. James Comer (R-KY) called on Wednesday night for an immediate Congressional investigation into 2020 election.
Jim Jordan is the Ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee and James Comer is the Ranking member on the Committee of Oversight and Reform.
The two Republican lawmakers called on Democrat leaders to investigate the controversial and highly contested 2020 election. The Republicans are asking for hearings on the 2020 elections as soon as possible.
Affidavit of Russell James Ramsland, Jr.
Affidavit of Russell James Ramsland, Jr.
DARPA Watching the water??
Using dehumidification to make drinking water. Including a 2010 video about Air2Water.
GE Research, Niskayuna, New York, has been awarded a $14,313,300 cost contract, including options, for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Atmospheric Water Extraction (AWE) program. In Phase 1 of the program, GE Research proposes to develop and select promising water extraction materials. The key objective will be to fabricate an Air2Water prototype device for the production of potable water that will be powered by readily-available fuel and builds directly from pioneering sorbent materials for water harvesting from desert air. Work will be performed in Niskayuna, New York (77%); Berkeley, California (18%); Chicago, Illinois (3%); and Mobile, Alabama (2%), with an estimated completion date for Phase 1 of November 2022. Fiscal 2020 research, development, test and evaluation funds in the amount of $858,975 are being obligated at time of award. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Arlington, Virginia, is the contracting activity (HR001121C0020).
"American capital should not be used to finance the development and construction of China’s military weapons that are literally aimed at killing Americans ... President Trump recently signed an executive order putting a stop to that Wall Street insanity." https://t.co/mwL0MkHQzg
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) November 18, 2020
Nothing to report at this time....
Senators release new evidence tying Hunter Biden business to communist China, Russian energy
The ‘relationships created counterintelligence and extortion concerns,’ Grassley and Johnson warn. Two Republican-run Senate committees on Wednesday released new evidence they say shows Hunter Biden and his business associates were working deals as late as 2017 tied to communist China and Russian energy interests, arguing the activities created potential counterintelligence concerns for Joe Biden’s family. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis., made the documents public as part of a supplemental report in their ongoing investigation of Hunter Biden’s business activities. The documents included emails, text messages and business memos provided to the committee by Biden family business associate Tony Bobulinski, who is cooperating with both Senate and FBI investigations into the Biden family. “These new records confirm the connections between the Biden family and the communist Chinese government, as well as the links between Hunter Biden’s business associates and the Russian government, and further support the Committees’ September 23, 2020 report’s finding that such relationships created counterintelligence and extortion concerns,” the senators wrote in their new report. You can read the report here. File
2020-11-18 HSGAC - Finance Joint Report Supplemental.pdf. Specifically, the committees’ evidence traces business deals discussed between Hunter Biden, Bobulinski and an American businessman close to the Biden family named Rob Walker. The senators released an email in which Walker described himself as “being a surrogate for H or Jim when gauging opportunities.” The committee said that in the email “H appears to refer to Hunter Biden, and Jim appears to refer to Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden.” Many of the new documents involved discussions with a business venture called CEFC China Energy, which was under the leadership of Ye Jianming. The senators stated that Ye “had established ties to the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese military, the People’s Liberation Army” and worked with Hunter Biden and his associates to pursue energy deals around the globe, including in Oman, France and Russia. The committee said a company affiliated with Ye wired money to U.S. accounts tied to Biden’s associates in 2017. “In 2017, during the time that Ye’s companies were sending millions of dollars to Hunter Biden associated companies, Ye had business dealings with Kremlin-controlled companies and Kremlin-aligned businessmen,” the report said. “In effect, Ye appears to have been China’s unofficial bridge to Russia on energy. As noted in the Committees’ September 23, 2020 report, in September 2017, CEFC announced its intention to purchase a 14.2 percent stake in the Russian state-owned energy company, Rosneft, for approximately $9 billion.” The committee cited direct communications in which Hunter Biden acknowledged he “was in close contact with Ye in 2017 and was aware of these developments.”
2020-11-18 HSGAC - Finance Joint Report Supplemental
Retired Air Force General Warns Of CIA Software Hacking
Affidavit by Ramsland
Ramsland says he has attempted to go to the FBI to detail his firm’s findings regarding major security flaws and vulnerabilities of the election system. He has made some inroads into DHS field level officials, but their findings were not able to be moved up the chain of command. Ramsland also attempted to get a meeting with the Cyber Intelligence Security Agency within DHS, but his team was only granted a phone call.
On Tuesday, a publicly available affidavit by Russell James Ramsland, Jr., a management team member of Allied Security Operations Group, LLC. (ASOG), was uploaded to website courtlistener.com.
Affidavit of Russell James Ramsland, Jr.
“They Were Like a Pack of Dogs!” – Detroit Voter Fraud Witness describes election night chaos
“They were like a pack of dogs!”
Another Michigan Witness has come forward to describe the voter fraud and vote integrity intimidation she witnessed while volunteering at the TCF Center/Cobo Hall in Detroit on election night and the day after. This comes on the heels of word that the Wayne County results are being officially certified after the Republican members were accused of racism, and received repeated death threats and threats against their children.
Kristina Karamo saw the 3:30am Biden Ballot Dump that is being repeatedly denied by the mainstream media. Her statement stands in contrast to the whitewashing going on elsewhere in the media that is seeking to ‘debunk’ all similar testimonies of witnesses who describe witnessing Detroit voter fraud in favor of Joe Biden.
Karamo saw that there was no effective review of signatures on those ballots at the counting boards. She describes seeing ballots that should have been spoiled, instead counted for Biden, with poll workers saying “I think that should go to the Democrat.” Her challenges to bad ballots were IGNORED.
She also describes that GOP Poll Challengers would not be hired by the City of Detroit, helping to explain what other witnesses have also described: a completely lopsided ratio of Democrats to Republicans, ensuring that Republicans could not protect the integrity of the ballot counting process in Detroit. Karamo describes calling and attempting to apply several times to be an official poll worker and being denied, even though the Clerk lied and told her that not enough Republicans had applied.
According to Karamo the Republicans were systemically denied access to observe the vote count.
“They were like Demons!” Karamo says.
Karamo says she thinks all absentee ballots should be recounted in Wayne County. Instead of having the media dismiss witnesses like this, the Gateway Pundit has provided their interviews below so you can judge for yourself:
Human Trafficking Ring Busted In Colorado Springs
Four people were arrested after a big prostitution ring was busted at a Colorado Springs hotel.
German Antifa Is Foreign Interference